XII Congreso AIVO 2018 – Segunda circular
11:00-12:00hs Room A: Conferencia Plenaria AIVO-SAN:
“Retinal Degenerations: The Isoprenoid Connection”.
Prof. Dr. Steven J. Fliesler.
Depts. of Ophthalmology and Biochemistry and Graduate Program in Neurosciences, Univ. at Buffalo – The State University of New York, and the VA Western New York Healthcare System, Buffalo VA Medical Ctr, Buffalo, NY, USA.
Coordinadora: Nora Rotstein
Viernes 26 de octubre
(Pabellón Argentina, Ciudad Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
9:00 – 11:00hs: ACREDITACIÓN
10:45 hs: APERTURA
11:00 – 13:00hs Room A: SIMPOSIO AIVO-ARVO
“Cell strategies in degenerative and regenerative processes of the nervous system”.
Coordinadores: Luis E Politi y Patricia Setton.
11:00-11:30hs: Modeling RGC development: Insight into glaucomatous degeneration and therapeutic regeneration.
Iqbal Ahmad.
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
11:30-12:00hs: Multipotent cells as mediators of peripheral nerve regeneration
Patricia Setton
IQUIFIB-CONICET-UBA, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
12:00-12:30hs: Functionally Re-Wiring the Retina during Retinal Regeneration in Adult Zebrafish
Deborah Stenkamp
Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, USA.
12:30-13:00hs: 3D Retinal Organoids: New Frontiers for Stem Cell-based Clinical Applications
Valeria Canto Soler
3D Ret Lab, University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA.
Almuerzo de becarios y jóvenes investigadores con la Dra. Valeria Canto Soler (University of Colorado School of Medicine, USA).
15:30 -17:30hs SIMPOSIO AIVO
“Cellular and molecular mechanisms in retina degeneration”
Coordinadoras: Nora Rotstein y Cecilia Sánchez.
15:30-16:00hs: Neuroprotection of photoreceptors as a therapeutic strategy in retinal degeneration.
Thomas Cotter, Ani-Ruiz-Lopez, Ashley Byrne and Sarah Roche.
School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, University College Cork, Ireland.
16:00-16:30hs: Vascular and non-vascular alterations in retinopathies: towards a change in the therapeutic strategy
Cecilia Sánchez, Rídano M.E., Subirada P.V., Paz M.C., Lorenc V.E., Luna J.D., Barcelona P. F., Vaglienti M.V.
CIBICI-CONICET-UNC, Departamento de Bioquímica Clínica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.
16:30-17:00hs: Molecular Mechanisms of PEDF Peptides in Retinal Degenerations
Patricia Becerra
Sect. Protein Structure and Function, Lab. Retinal Cell and Molecular Biol., NEI, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, EEUU.
17:00-17:30: Analysis of Choroid/RPE cell diversity using single cell RNA sequencing. Implications for choroid homeostasis and the pathogenesis and treatment of AMD.
Enrique Rodríguez-Boulan
Weill Cornell Medicine, Dyson Vision Institute, Cornell University, New York, USA.
Sábado 27 de octubre de 2018
(Sala de Conferencias II. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
09:00- 10:40 hs Presentaciones orales.
Seminarios 2023
Academic Translation Therapeutic Targets and Therapeutic Agents for Neurodegeneration and Cancer #FCQ - 19 de mayo
Seminarios 2022
Los nervios corneales y la respuesta inmune en la superficie ocular - 25 de noviembre
El epitelio pigmentario macular ¿amigo o enemigo? Una mirada sobre la degeneración macular - 4 de noviembre
Pupilometría cromática - 14 de octubre
Elovanoides – Guardianes moleculares de la integridad funcional de los fotoreceptores - 23 de septiembre